Children's Choir Practice
Every Sunday, from 10/06/2024 to 04/20/2025, 12:15 PM - 1:00 PM
Nursery Care: Infants & toddlers also hold space at First U! We have a staffed nursery with enrichment and care for your child while you are at the service. Of course, we love children and they are always welcome to be with their family during the service!
Grades K-3:
This fall we will be using the UUA's Tapestry of Faith: Love Surrounds Us for our K-2 grade. "Love Surrounds Us" focuses on the communities that surround us with love and care: home, school, and church. Along the journey, we will also be learning about the UU 7 Principles through stories, games, and crafts.
Grades 4-8:
For the Fall, we will be asking some big questions: what happened, why it happened, when did it happen, and what did it mean for the people at the time it was recorded and for us now. Join us to learn "Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures," where we will learn from stories that have been told in a variety of Sunday School Classes, Hebrew School classes, and some stories that the grown ups may have never even heard of!
In the Spring, we will be immersing ourselves in the discussion (and debating!) of miracles. Miracles that leave us awestruck by the wonder of them, miracles from the beauty of the earth, and miracles that we can experience through love and justice.
UUnity Circle:
This is an all age group that meets throughout the year (during Faith Development) focusing on the community, ourselves, and the greater world. We will create crafts, support our Church, and learn more about one another.
Services start at 10:30. Families attend the start of worship to hear the Tale of the Day.
To keep everyone safe we are asking all families to register their children HERE.
We are looking for adults and teenagers to help and support our program. To help out
We are asking all teens and adults to be fully vaccinated against Covid 19.
Young adults and youth receive a small stipend for nursery care or leading programming.
On December 11th we host our annual Christmas pageant when we tell the story of Jesus' birth complete with Angels, Shepherds, Wise People and the evil villain, Herod.